Ales GarunВедах беларускіх
Translated by
Ah, my native speech, my mother, Ah word, thou great bell, singing ever, Booming mighty, Gleaming brightly, From gold cast and Forged from argent, Thunder on, thou,
Thunder on!
Ah, bell-ringer, sir, start ringing, Smite the bell and set it swinging,
Ring with zest now, Never resting, Never tiring, Drenched, perspiring, Strike and ring, thou,
Strike and ring!
Ah, my brother, minstrel, singer, In house and field set music ringing,
Where in anguish The poor languish, Hungry pining, Unwashed dwining, Relieve thou
Their want, relieve!
IЖ 68
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Ljeiiijhtyound1 L^eweepin mgouringdowny imfe loudly, Atyteeping F^Hqwtelifelesj
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