🚧Seek me out
Яўгенія ЯнішчыцЯўгенія Янішчыц на
Ведах беларускіх
Ведах беларускіх
Translated by
Seek me out, send me the call!
Then we’ll wander in the grasses. True, with love commences all — All which for reality passes.
Only be sincere in soul
On life’s road of shine and shadows.
True, with love commences all —
Our first step and our first gladness.
Spring begins with the nightingale, With the freshet’s murmuration.
True, with love commences all — Pain, and hate, and separation.
Seek me out, send me the call!
style=”position: absolute; top: 0.44in; left: 5.67in” Roads behind, ahead, forbidding. True, with love commences all — Otherwise there’s nought in living.