🚧To a girl
Alyes BachilaВедах беларускіх
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Forgive me - for you must have pardoned nth
That | by chance have seen, with no small Dain ~ How with your boot-toe on the snow you uttIL ,And do not phone -1 shall not come againHb |
Three exclamation marks — three pillories shameful You left for your offender there to see.
Though of your goodness he was most disdainful You would have pardoned him — it’s plain to me The lengthy waiting, and the white snow flying, And the black unconsolable deceit, For not for nought
with final hopes a-dying,
You looked around.
I knew, O, near to crying,
What you were feeling in your heart indeed…
Alone and sad, the smart still hot and galling — I more then once in life have known that part — You hurried off…
The snow went whirling, falling, And covered up the words of love’s first hurt.
And when you disappeared then from my vision, Your pain the pain within my own heart caug t, Itseemed as if the blizzard in derision Spread on my wounds not soft white snow
ALYES bach I la